
How To Install Macer Gland Packing

  1. Remove all old packing, cleaning stuffing box and shaft
  2. Choose the most suitable packing for each service and also choose the correct cross-section of packing
  3. Carefully insert each ring into the stuffing box (one ring of packing at a time) and press one carefully.
    Stagger joints of subsequent rings a minimum of 90 degree
  4. After the last rings installed, take up gland bolts finger tight or very slightly sungged up, do not jam the packing ny excessive gland loading. Check lantern ring if used, correct positioning relative to port.
  5. Adjust packing (pumps)
    Allow packing to leak freely starting up a newly packed pump. Take it out gradually on the glad as the packing seats, untill leakage is reduced to a tolerable level.
  6. Adjust Packing (values)
    Consult packing Manufacturer and/ or olant engineering department for guidance on torque specifications or percent of compression.
    6.1) Torque gland boltsto approximately 30% of full torque
    6.2) Cycle the value a number of times and apply full torque while value is closed stroke position.
    6.3) repeat Step 2: three or four times